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Climate Change Impact: Communities at Risk - eBook

Climate Change Impact: Communities at Risk - eBook 

S&L Price: $47.25
ISBN: 978-1-6782-0825-7
Format: eBook
Other titles in the Climate Change Impact eBook series Go to hardcover
Author: Don Nardo
Number of Pages: 64
Dewey Code: 363.7
Lexile: 1000-1400
Interest Grade Level: 6-12
Reading Grade Level: 6-12

As Earths atmosphere steadily gets warmer due to human-caused climate change, communities around the world are increasingly suffering from an onslaught of damaging, often scary effects. Only a few include large-scale floods caused by rising sea levels and catastrophic rain events; bigger and more intense hurricanes; larger and more numerous wildfires; and massive heat waves and droughts. This volume provides an overview of the problem and current efforts to deal with it in communities worldwide.