Biographies, Pop Culture, Sports, and the Arts - eBook Subscription Package 
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eBook subscription package
Read about interesting and inspiring individuals, entertaining topics like video games, pop music, and comics with these 105 eBooks. Only $5/title.
Biographies, Pop Culture, Sports, and the Arts
Read about interesting and inspiring individuals, entertaining topics like video games, pop music, and comics. This package includes an annual subscription to books from series including All Things Anime and Manga, Music Scene, Giants of Rap and Hip-Hop, Teen Guide to Sports, The World of Video Games, and Great Sports Championships, as well as single titles including biographies of Elon Musk and Volodymyr Zelenskyy for only $5 per title.
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• 105 titles included • interest level: grades 6–12 • Multi-user • 24/7 access • Works on any device with Internet access • Annual site license includes unlimited access on campus as well as off campus access for students and staff.
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