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Writing and Editing Careers in the Gig Economy

Writing and Editing Careers in the Gig Economy 

Price: $43.93
S&L Price: $33.95
ISBN: 978-1-6782-0532-4
Format: Hardcover
Other titles in the Careers in the Gig Economy series Go to eBook
Author: Stuart A. Kallen
Number of Pages: 64
Dewey Code: 808.02023
Lexile: 1000-1400
Interest Grade Level: 6-12
Reading Grade Level: 6-12

Popular gig platforms provide thousands of jobs for writers and editors who are needed to create content for blogs, websites, ad copy, podcast scripts, and white papers. What the jobs entail, the upsides and downsides of gig work, and making a go of it are discussed along with insights from industry insiders.