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Bias in America - 5 eBooks

Series Description:

This series conveys to teen readers the sense of otherness that many Americans feel because of their race, religion, gender identity, etc. The books explore some of the ways people experience bias and how they are affected by it. All books feature personal accounts and clear, thoughtful narrative.

Go to Hardcover series

Series Specifications:

• interest level: grades 6–12 • 80 pages • Multi-user • 24/7 access • Works on any device with Internet access • full-color photos and graphs • sidebars • margin quotes • for further research section • source notes • index

Item Number: s102e
S&L Price: $236.25

Black in America - eBook
Black in America - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Black in America - eBook
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Other titles in the Bias in America eBook series Only available as an eBook.
Hispanic in America - eBook
Hispanic in America - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Hispanic in America - eBook
tax free
Other titles in the Bias in America eBook series Go to hardcover
Jewish in America - eBook
Jewish in America - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Jewish in America - eBook
tax free
Other titles in the Bias in America eBook series Only available as an eBook.
LGBTQ in America - eBook
LGBTQ in America - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
LGBTQ in America - eBook
tax free
Other titles in the Bias in America eBook series Only available as an eBook.
Muslim in America - eBook
Muslim in America - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Muslim in America - eBook
tax free
Other titles in the Bias in America eBook series Go to hardcover

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