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Deadliest Predators- 6 eBooks

Series Description:

Teeth, claws, power, speed, venom, and an acute sense of hearing or sight-these are some of the characteristics that the world's deadliest predators rely on for their survival. Each volume in the Deadliest Predators series focuses on one group of animals (sharks, snakes, spiders, etc.) and then profiles six creatures within that group. How they hunt, what they eat, where they live, and the essential role they play in maintaining nature's balance are all vividly and accurately detailed. Sidebars; large, full-color photographs; and a glossary add depth and interest to each book in the series.

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Series Specifications:

• interest level: grades5–12 • Multi-user; 24/7 access • Works on any device with Internet access • Full-color photos • sidebars • source notes • bibliography

Item Number: s46e
S&L Price: $283.50

Deadliest Predators: Deadliest Dinosaurs eBook
Deadliest Dinosaurs - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Deadliest Dinosaurs - eBook
Other titles in the Deadliest Predators series
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Deadliest Predators: Deadliest Mammals eBook
Deadliest Mammals - eBook 
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Deadliest Mammals - eBook
Other titles in the Deadliest Predators series
Only available as an eBook.
Deadliest Predators: Deadliest Reptiles eBook
Deadliest Reptiles - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Deadliest Reptiles - eBook
Other titles in the Deadliest Predators series
Only available as an eBook.
Deadliest Predators: Deadliest Sharks eBook
Deadliest Sharks - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Deadliest Sharks - eBook
Other titles in the Deadliest Predators series
Only available as an eBook.
Deadliest Predators: Deadliest Snakes eBook
Deadliest Snakes - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Deadliest Snakes - eBook
Other titles in the Deadliest Predators series
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Deadliest Predators: Deadliest Spiders eBook
Deadliest Spiders - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Deadliest Spiders - eBook
Other titles in the Deadliest Predators series
Go to hardcover.