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Exploring the Occult - 5 eBooks

Series Description:

Even in an age when science holds sway, fascination with the occult has not diminished. Social media, books, and news stories are filled with tales of ghost and angel encounters, monster hunters, clairvoyants, and witchcraft practitioners. The Exploring the Occult series explores both the history and present-day experiences with the occultbuilding on the sense of wonder that keeps these topics fresh and alive.

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Series Specifications:

• interest level: grades 6–12 • 64 pages • Multi-user • 24/7 access • Works on any device with Internet access • full-color photos • margin quotes • source notes • for further research section • organizations and websites • index

Item Number: s137e
S&L Price: $236.25

Angels and Demons - eBook
Angels and Demons - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Angels and Demons - eBook
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Other titles in the Exploring the Occult eBook series Go to hardcover
Clairvoyance and Divination - eBook
Clairvoyance and Divination - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Clairvoyance and Divination - eBook
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Other titles in the Exploring the Occult eBook series Go to hardcover
Ghosts and Spirits - eBook
Ghosts and Spirits - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Ghosts and Spirits - eBook
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Other titles in the Exploring the Occult eBook series Go to hardcover
Monsters and Cryptozoology - eBook
Monsters and Cryptozoology - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Monsters and Cryptozoology - eBook
tax free
Other titles in the Exploring the Occult eBook series Go to hardcover
Witchcraft - eBook
Witchcraft - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
Witchcraft - eBook
tax free
Other titles in the Exploring the Occult eBook series Go to hardcover

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