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Gaming Technology: Blurring Real and Virtual Worlds

Gaming Technology: Blurring Real and Virtual Worlds 

Price: $41.27
S&L Price: $33.95
ISBN: 978-1-68282-555-6
Format: Hardcover
Other titles in the The World of Video Games series Go to eBook
Author: Anthony Rotolo
Number of Pages: 80
Dewey Code: 794.8
Interest Grade Level: 6-12
Reading Grade Level: 6-12

Today's video games have come a long way from simple black and white graphics of the 1950s, creating worlds so visually stunning that it's hard to tell if they are real or fake. Gaming Technology: Blurring Real and Virtual Worlds examines the history of gaming technology, explores how today's cutting-edge games work, and discusses the future advances of technology.