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Historic Disasters and Mysteries - 4 eBooks

Series Description:

The mysteries and disasters of the past never grow old. Why the Titanic sank, how a volcanic eruption buried an entire city, what happened to an entire civilization (if, indeed, it ever existed), and the bizarre events surrounding a dramatic discovery in the desert still fascinate. These are the subjects explored in the Historic Disasters and Mysteries series. Each book explores what happened and why, what evidence exists to support these ideas/scenarios; the individuals involved; and the aftermath. Personal accounts, the observations of experts, and interesting facts add depth and perspective.

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Series Specifications:

• interest level: grades 6–12 • 64 pages • Multi-user • 24/7 access • Works on any device with Internet access • full-color photos and maps • sidebars • fast facts • for more research section • source notes • websites • index

Item Number: s93e
S&L Price: $189.00

The Curse of King Tut - eBook
The Curse of King Tut - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
The Curse of King Tut - eBook
tax free
The Sinking of theTitanic - eBook
The Sinking of the Titanic - eBook 
S&L Price: $47.25
The Sinking of the Titanic - eBook
tax free
Other titles in the Historic Disasters and Mysteries eBook series Only available as an eBook.

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