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How to Identify Media Bias

How to Identify Media Bias 

Price: $45.26
S&L Price: $33.95
ISBN: 978-1-6782-0970-4
Format: Hardcover
Other titles in the Learn Media Literacy Skills series Go to eBook
Author: Marne Ventura
Number of Pages: 64
Dewey Code: 302.23
Lexile: 760L
Interest Grade Level: 6-12
Reading Grade Level: 3-4

Hi-Lo YA nonfiction. People get news from various forms of media, including television, websites, and social media platforms. But some news sources are biased. They may favor only one side of an issue or report opinions as if they are facts. This can keep people from getting the full story. This book explores different types of media bias and how to identify them.