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Contemporary Cartoon Creators: Matt Groening and The Simpsons

Matt Groening and The Simpsons 

Price: $41.27
S&L Price: $33.95
ISBN: 978-1-60152-784-4
Format: Hardcover
Other titles in the Contemporary Cartoon Creators series
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Author: Stuart A. Kallen
Number of Pages: 80
Dewey Code: pending
Interest Grade Level: 6-12
Reading Grade Level: 6-12

Cartoonist Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons, has a talent for mocking, criticizing, and exposing the foolishness of modern culture. This talent has resulted in financial success, critical acclaim, and the longest-running show in television history. Matt Groening and the Simpsons provides an in-depth and often humorous look at Groenings childhood, his rise to fame, and his success as one of the most honored animators in the world.