High-Tech Careers: Careers in Environmental and Energy Technology Reviews

Careers in Environmental and Energy Technology: ISBN 978-1-68282-110-7 / eBook: 978-1-68282-111-4
Careers in Gaming: ISBN 978-1-68282-112-1 / eBook: 978-1-68282-113-8
Careers in Internet Technology: ISBN 978-1-68282-114-5 / eBook: 978-1-68282-115-2
Careers in Medical Technology: ISBN 978-1-68282-116-9 / eBook: 978-1-68282-117-6
Careers in Robotics: ISBN 978-1-68282-118-3 / eBook: 978-1-68282-119-0
School Library Journal, April 1, 2017

Gr 5 Up These books explore the impact of technology and how it has revolutionized traditional fields. In Medical Technology, biomedical engineers create artificial ears using 3-D bioprinters, and in Gaming, it is noted that Pokémon Go was designed to get gamers out of the house and interacting with the world around them. Eight jobs are profiled per title, and the seven-page entries contain new developments, areas of study, working conditions, education and training, outlook, and opportunities for advancement—headings also used in the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH). Not surprisingly, demand for these careers is exceptionally high. An interview, a listing of related jobs obtained from the OOH, and other appended resources will help students pursue their career goals.
VERDICT: There are few visuals, but the lengthy narratives are well outlined and fact-filled for high school career inquiry. Consider for serious readers.

Careers in Environmental and Energy Technology: ISBN 978-1-68282-110-7 / eBook: 978-1-68282-111-4
Booklist, April 1, 2017

This serviceable title in the High-Tech Careers series offers an overview of occupations in the fast growing field of environmental and energy technology. Careers profiled include environmental analyst, solar photovoltaic (PV) installer, wind turbine technician, energy consultant, air-quality forecaster, petroleum engineer, fuel cell engineer, and renewable energy project developer. The details of each job are given: a job description, the education level needed, potential earnings, future growth, and the number of jobs currently held in the occupation. Each entry has an “at a glance” fast facts sidebar with brief overview of the same information. A few color photos, an interview with a renewable energy project developer, and a list of other jobs in the field round out this useful introduction for students with an interest in a career in the field.
—Sharon Rawlins