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Understanding American History: The Salem Witch trials

The Salem Witch Trials - eBook 

S&L Price: $47.25
ISBN: 978-1-60152-283-2
Format: Hardcover
Other titles in the Understanding American History series
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Author: Gail Stewart
Number of Pages: 96
Dewey Code: 133.4
Interest Grade Level: 6-12
Reading Grade Level: 6-12

In 1692, a small group of young girls began accusing people in little Salem Village and nearby towns of being witches. Over the next several months, more than 170 had been jailed, and 20 executed—and the village was shaken to its foundations. This book examines Puritan life in the 17th century, the reasons why the witch hunts could occur, and their unfortunate legacy that has continued through the present day.

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