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Thinking Critically: Medical Marijuana

Thinking Critically: Medical Marijuana - eBook 

S&L Price: $47.25
ISBN: 978-1-60152-583-3
Format: eBook
Other titles in the Thinking Critically series
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Author: Bonnie Szumski and Jill Karson
Number of Pages: 80
Interest Grade Level: 6-12
Reading Grade Level: 6-12

The federal government considers marijuana to be an illegal substance but public attitudes are changing as voters in one state after another make medical marijuana legal. Through a narrative-driven pro/con formatsupported by facts, quotes, anecdotes, and full-color illustrationsthis title examines issues related to medical marijuana. Topics include: Is Medical Marijuana Effective Medicine? Is Medical Marijuana Safe? Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized? Can the States Adequately Regulate Medical Marijuana?

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