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Thinking Critically: Nuclear Proliferation

Thinking Critically: Nuclear Proliferation 

Price: $41.27
S&L Price: $33.95
ISBN: 978-1-68282-439-9
Format: Hardcover
Other titles in the Thinking Critically series Go to eBook
Author: Jamuna Carroll
Number of Pages: 80
Dewey Code: 327.1/747
Interest Grade Level: 6-12
Reading Grade Level: 6-12

In a world where more than 15,000 nuclear weapons already exist, nations disagree over how to reduce nuclear proliferation and the risk of nuclear war. Through a narrative-driven pro/con formatsupported by relevant facts, quotes, anecdotes, and full-color illustrations—this title examines issues related to nuclear proliferation. Topics include: Should Nuclear Weapons Be Banned? Can Rogue Nations Be Deterred from Developing Nuclear Weapons? Are Terrorists Likely to Acquire Nuclear Weapons? Should the US President Have Sole Nuclear Launch Authority?