Understanding Infectious Diseases - 4 Hardcover Books
Series Description:
Today more than ever it is essential for young people to understand the science and psychology behind infectious diseases. Books in this series explore this topic from different angles, including the science of vaccines, how preventive measures protect public health, and how medical professionals track the causes and spread of infectious diseases. Please Note: The Science of Vaccines is out of print and only available as an eBook.
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Series Specifications:
• interest level: grades 6–12 • 64 pages • 6½ x 9¼ • reinforced library binding • full-color photos and graphs • sidebars •vocabulary • for further research section • source notes • index |
Price: $43.93
S&L Price: $33.95
Price: $43.93
S&L Price: $33.95
Price: $43.93
S&L Price: $33.95
Price: $43.93
S&L Price: $33.95